Cape May House CG Model

Well it’s been a while since giving an update.  In my last post I mentioned that I began working as a Lab Specialist/Studio Artist at Full Sail University.  I’m not the biggest fan of the Orlando area but that is where I am at for now.  I am going into my 6th month at Full Sail.  Time is really flying by and the classes can be hectic at times just like when I was a student there.  I don’t always have as much time to work on my own projects as I would like but I am trying to when I can.  It is nice having the access to fellow employees and pick their brains on different aspects of CG/3D.  The learning never stops!!!

Before I talked about the environment I had started and just want to show off some of my progress so far.  I haven’t been able to get as much done as I would like but it’s coming along.  The section I have been working on the most is the porch area including the main door and accent pieces.  I am trying to model the house as it would be built which I think will add to the realism of the model.  Here are some screen grabs with and without wireframes.  Feel free to give me any feedback as always!



















































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